Amadeus Electric Quartet - Silent Night Concert


  • 00:06 - Once Upon a December
  • 03:02 - Game of Thrones
  • 04:38 - Caribbean Pirates
  • 06:54 - Perfect
  • 10:39 - Viva la Vida
  • 13:57 - Song from a Secret Garden
  • 17:23 - Little Drummer Boy
  • 20:57 - Joy
  • 25:02 - Silent Night (feat Irina Baianț)
  • 28:51 - Trei Crai (feat Irina Baianț) - Original composition by Xenti Runceanu
  • 32:02 - Carol of the Bells (feat Irina Baianț)

Special Guest - Irina Baianț, the amazing soprano that spreads joy and natural beauty among all of us with her incredible voice.


Amadeus Electric Quartet
Andreea Runceanu - violin
Bianca Gavrilescu - violin
Patricia Cimpoiasu - cello
Laura Lazarescu - Piano

Xenti Runceanu - Keyboards
Radu Moldovan - Drums

Video: Vlad Ivanov, Sergiu Mitrofan, Paul Manolescu
Edit video: Vlad Ivanov
Mix and master: Xenti Runceanu
Sound engineer: Bernardo Almeida
Sound Tech: Cristian Ioniță
Light design: Cătălin Florescu
Venue production: Antonio Nartea - Expirat Club
General production: Codruț Dumitrescu
Logistics manager: Dorina Constantin
Photographer: Cristina Oltean
Web design: Cosmin Ionescu