【即時發佈】食達文化攜手香港Sushi Fujimoto還原日式經典

2022深秋,Allstar Communications食達文化攜手香港Sushi Fujimoto,傳承大師精神,貫徹日式極簡。今年初春,曾師從日本壽司大師十年之久的日籍主廚藤本健一首次獨立門戶,於香港中環開設「Sushi Fujimoto」。傳承大師哲學與技巧,秉持簡單即是最好的原則,堅持選用更溫和的米醋風格還原江戶前壽司精髓,為香港頂級壽司市場帶來一股清流。

Late Autumn of 2022, Allstar Communications surprised with its collaboration with Sushi Fujimoto in Hong Kong. In the early spring of this year, Japanese chef Kenichi Fujimoto, after training with two sushi maestros for a decade, opened his first outlet Sushi Fujimoto in Central, Hong Kong. Inheriting the philosophy and techniques of the master chefs, he champions simplicity and insists on using milder rice vinegar to restore the essence of Edomae sushi, whiffing an air of refinedness to Hong Kong’s high-end sushi market.

日本壽司大師之徒 · 後起之秀,勢如破竹
The Rising Protégé of Sushi Maestro


Unlike the traditional sushi chef’s training path, Kenichi Fujimoto’s career start had nothing to do with food and was introduced to the role of sushi chef at the age of 22 when he worked at a mid-range sushi restaurant, before joining Sushi Kanesaka by Japanese sushi master Shinji Kanesaka in Ginza at the age of 27. In 2014, he was assigned by Kanesaka to be the sous chef of one Michelin star restaurant Shinji by Kanesaka in Macau , and three years later he came to Hong Kong.


Founder Kenichi Fujimoto


Fujimoto has been dedicated to traditional Edomae-style sushi and simple taste of food. He has very strict standards for the quality of ingredients, not just overall standards, but down to each single unit of them, after all, the quality of fish has a direct impact on the final result. But simple cooking also requires precise techniques: the perfectly cut sashimi fully demonstrates the immaculate craftsmanship of Fujimoto. Here, attention to seasonality and constant innovation are ubiquitous.

壽司 · 還原經典,精益求精
Sushi – Pursuit of Authenticity and Excellence


Fujimoto’s signature dishes are 3 types of tuna sushi and tuna hand roll. Special attention is paid to avoid overcooking and preserving the tenderness of the ingredients. The rice is cooked in an old-fashioned rice cooker and with open fire to give it an extra sweet scent. Guests can watch the preparation process at the bar counter and feel the intense fragrance bursting out as he gently mixes sushi vinegar with cooked rice.

赤身 Akami

蒸鮑魚 Steamed Abalone

瓢瓜卷 Kampo Maki

設計與環境 · 傳統簡約,經典日式風格
Design – Classic Japanese Elegance

「Sushi Fujimoto」保留了經典的日式風格,貫徹日式極簡。將藤本先生本人的理解融於店內細節設計中,所有裝潢材料也均來源於日本。其中前板座所選用的木材,是來自奈良縣擁有300年樹齢的古木,將其簡約、傳統的設計理念貫徹到底。

It has retained the classic Japanese style which is based on minimalism and showcasing Fujimoto’s philosophy in the aesthetic details. All the décor materials are flown in from Japan, including the sushi counter, which has been crafted from a 300-year-old tree from Nara Prefecture. A simple, traditional design that is true to its roots.

標識 Logo

板前座位 Counter Seats

插花 Flower Arrangements

溫馨提示 Please noted:

地址 Address


6/F, 48 Cochrane Street, Central, Hong Kong

營業時間 Opening Time

週一至週六 (週三、週天店休)

Mon-Sat (closed on Wednesdays and Sundays )


郵箱 Email



Please give us an email account to make a reservation.


品牌傳播顧問 Gloria Mo